It's been 8 years since the doors of Sunday Supply officially opened on Linden Street for the first time. Since then, some things have changed–such as our address and our Sunday family! Over the past eight years, there are many things that have remained at the heart of Sunday Supply...the love we have for this community, the honor of hand-picking beautiful pieces that bring joy, and the privilege it is to serve you every day. As we celebrate our 8th year in business this week, read on as we look back on where we've been, how we plan to grow and what we're doing to celebrate!

Happy Birthday, Sunday Supply Co! What a beautiful 8 years it has been to steward this little shop. With all of the twists and turns of our story in retail and the uncertainty of the past few years, we can't help but feel deeply grateful to be here, doing what we love with and for a community of people that we adore. As we look back, we wanted to highlight some highs and lows since all great stories are full of and marked by both...
For the highs, there was nothing quite like opening our doors on day 1 and being received with so much excitement and positivity. That energy has remained and carried us through! In 2015, I (Amanda) walked into my surprise engagement party at the shop surrounded by friends and family. It was truly unforgettable. Over the years, some of my very best friends (including Wesley) were people I met when they walked through the doors on Linden Street- what a gift! We welcomed 2 beautiful shop babies through the doors at Sunday Supply, and I learned how to be a mother while running and growing this sweet business. There are so many highlights that I'd love to mention- if you catch me in the shop, please ask!

As for the lows, I'd like to start by recognizing the growing pains and importance of failure and grace in owning and operating a small business (and truly, just in life itself). The most prominent "low" over the years was our move from Linden street and our wait for our College Avenue space. It was full of uncertainty, and waiting and disappointments and more waiting...and glimpses of hope! In the midst of the hardest moments, we were surrounded by the most beautiful community of friends and customers. As hard as that season was, I think we built something in our character and business that I believe will sustain us for the long haul and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Another obvious low was the onset of the pandemic and the uncertainty that came with it for small brick and mortars. We did our best to do what we could during that time, but it was truly our customers who sustained us- thank you! And we hope to never do it again ;)
Funniest Moment... Oh boy, I wish I had all day! I have some hilarious blooper photos of our sweet sunday models and shop girls through the years (I'm looking at you Jenna Smith and Maggie Ecker). But the first "shop story" that comes to mind is when a gentleman picked up a bralette, mistaking it for a face mask, and asked one of our shop girls how to wear it while holding it up to his face. Everyone recovered.
Over the past 8 years, we've held the vision for the space and business, but it's our customers and community that have caught the vision, supported it, and made it the beautiful thing it is today. Thank you so much for being here with us! For your purchases and online orders, your likes and shares on social media, your smiling faces walking through our doors... for making Sunday Supply what it was always meant to be. We love doing what we do and have full hearts as we reflect on our journey over the past 8 years.
As we're coming up on 4 years in our current space on College Avenue, we're reawakening long-term dreams for Sunday Supply. While online shopping is certainly pushing its way to center stage, we LOVE and believe in brick and mortar retail. As we continue to grow, we hope to expand in both!
There's nothing quite like walking into a beautiful space that someone has poured their hearts into to share with the community around them. The face-to-face connections with customers is the real joy of this place, and we hope to be able to do that in new cities in the coming years. Where should we go?! We'd love your input. On the e-commerce platform, we're hoping to bring a unique and personal experience to online shopping when you order with us. We're so excited for the future of Sunday Supply...stay tuned on both fronts!
WE DID IT! We made it another year as small business owners and we can't thank you enough for being here! We can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend however you plan to join us, online or in-store! We'd love to say that our personal celebration of Sunday's birthday this year will involve a late night after-party after the celebration at the shop, but it will most likely look like a deep exhale -full of gratitude- after putting our littles to bed. Followed closely behind by take-out, wine and a good slice of birthday cake. Unless someone wants to babysit? ;)
Whether you’ve been a part of our Sunday family since our first days on Linden Street or recently walked through our door for the first time, we’re happy to have you along for the ride. Thank you for an amazing 8 years together!
Sincerely, Amanda + Wesley Longacre