Reflections on Quarantine

Dear Friends,
In many ways, Fort Collins looks the same way it always does in midsummer. The trees lining Old Town’s streets are full and vividly green again. Patio umbrellas are open to keep the occasional afternoon drizzle or piercing heat of July at bay. The days have lengthened, stretching long into the evening until the sun finally slips beneath the Rocky Mountains. Quiet, quarantined spring days have given way to a town beginning to open up its doors and discover itself again.Â
Despite the familiarity of another hot Colorado summer, this year has brought more changes and challenges than many years past. No matter how beautiful the season unfolding outside can be, the season going on inside each of us has often felt strange, scary, and raw.Â

This year has weighed on our hearts. We’ve felt the strain of unknowns and wrestled with the lack of control. We’ve experienced heavy and complex emotions, sorting through our own feelings as well as the feelings of those around us. We’ve learned to let ourselves grieve the things that could have been. We’ve had good days, in between days, and difficult days when everything felt a bit too much.Â
Of course the separation from our friends, favorite places, and the shop was not what we envisioned when we started the year. But as we slowly begin to look back on our time in quarantine, we can’t help but be blown away by the uniquely profound lessons learned during these past few months. For some, time away gave exactly that: time.Â
Time to pause and practice what brings us peace.Â
Time to connect in creative ways with the people we love most.Â
Time to let go of unhealthy striving and find joy in simplicity.Â
Time to rest and re-evaluate what truly matters.Â
Time to intentionally recognize that the world we live in isn't safe and just for all. Â
These lessons have shaped our team in ways we can barely grasp in the present. But even as we begin to open our doors a little wider and catch glimpses of a life beyond quarantine, we want to hold on to the beautiful things even a difficult time such as this has taught us.Â
More than anything, seeing the ways our Sunday family has stayed connected to one another has comforted and encouraged us! You’ve taken disrupted routines and made new ones that press in to your passions. You’ve supported the countless small businesses that make your hometowns home. You’ve uplifted your loved ones in so many creative and compassionate ways, telling them how much they matter. And you’ve welcomed us back to the neighborhood with sincerity and smiles behind your masks.Â
In short, you’ve made this unprecedented time lighter, more beautiful. We can’t express how grateful we are to serve a community like ours.Â
Sincerely, Sunday