9 Years + 9 Lessons Learned

Has it really been 9 years?!
In celebration of Sunday Supply's 9th year in business, I'm sharing a few lessons-learned that hopefully give you a little "peek under the hood" of the journey. There's been a lot to learn in this (almost) decade-long endeavor, but today I'm highlighting the top 9...some light and easy and some painstakingly hard, but all very important to me. To anyone who's been with us for the long haul- I hope that a few of these feel relatable and insightful!

1) Hold your vision
It's hard to get anywhere if you don't know where you're going ;) As someone prone to comparison, I've learned (and re-learned) how to make quicker and more true decisions based on my vision for Sunday Supply rather than on what seems to be working for others.
2) People over profit
The relationships and people I've been able to connect with and meet these last 9 years are worth more than any dollar amount this business has or ever will bring in. There's no price tag for the gift of this sweet community! I feel so grateful!
3) It's okay to close the doors
...To run to the bathroom or move locations! I've learned this one kicking and screaming at times, but truly, it's always okay (and worth it) to just shut the doors if and when needed. Don't be afraid to stop, take a breath, put up the close sign, reassess. Will we miss a sale if we close an hour early? Maybe. Will we lose money if we're in between leases? Probably. Will it be okay? YES.
4) Always have snacks
Our staff snack drawer truly makes our world go 'round. Shout out to Jenn for keeping it well-stocked with some of our childhood favorites! If you're in Old Town and need some fruit snacks, you know where to find them. Life is better (and more productive) when we're well-fed.
5) Be Generous
I've gained so much wisdom and value learning from other business owners and hope to continue to be able to offer the same to others along the way. Whether it's with my time or our resources, I've never regretted sharing.
6) Be Gracious
I'm definitely my own worst critic and have set outrageous expectations for myself over the years. I'm continually learning to cut myself some slack. I've gotten better at pacing myself for the current season we're in. Sometimes it's a sprint (hello holidays) and others a marathon. I'm continually learning to have grace for myself in the "business" season.
7) Trust yourself
I've learned to trust myself more and more over the years and better understand what's right for the business. It's easy to hear advice (or see it on social media) from other entrepreneurs, but ultimately I don't put too much weight on things from people that don't know the retail world.
8) Find mentors and like-minded people
I've learned so much from other women that are a few steps ahead of me in business and building a team of women that understand the vision and dream for the shop has been the greatest asset. I could never do it alone!
9) It's okay for dreams to change
Retail is truly a roller coaster with high highs and low lows. I've learned to control the speed at times and even love some of the unpredictability, but If you end up realizing you just don't enjoy the ride, it's okay to get off. While we were out of a location for about a year from Linden to College, I had to ask myself the really hard questions to know if reopening was really what I wanted to do. And I had to let it be okay if it wasn't. Ultimately, every new dream or idea during that time always formed into another version of Sunday Supply, but I still had to ask the hard (and painful) questions. And the answer that was right five years ago may not be right forever! I feel very content and open-handed to whatever the future of Sunday Supply holds. Dreams may change but it doesn't change their value in our lives. I'm thankful that today, Sunday Supply is still very much my dream.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here these last 9 years- for shopping with us, hanging with us and helping us do what we love! I'm forever grateful. Cheers to the past 9 years. Can't wait for the next 9!
- Amanda